Aha moments examples in teaching
Aha moments examples in teaching

aha moments examples in teaching

Ideally, they will engage multidimensionally with the material, allowing for surprising connections to be made. Research has shown that critical-thinking skills are employed as students actively exchange ideas, allowing for movement beyond surface learning. In searching for teaching techniques that support quality time on task during class, I hit on the pedagogical practice of cooperative learning (CL), a method in which a carefully structured class activity allows students to work together in varying-sized groups to complete a shared goal or task. In my cooperative learning groups, students have defined roles and must use consensus to move forward. Having students read the article for homework followed by a brief class discussion and finally a written summary or opinion, while all useful in certain ways, goes only so far in terms of providing opportunities for deeper-level thinking about the complex issues raised by the author. Dweck’s research on fixed versus growth mind-sets in college students, for example, our students may be more willing to try new things, seek help, and see some failures as opportunities for growth. One hopes that after reading and thinking about Dr. Supporting students through such a demanding curriculum in only 15 weeks is challenging, especially when you really want them to grapple with the ideas in the reading and have time to internalize concepts enough to perhaps make positive, research-based choices for themselves. Students read materials written by authors doing work in these areas.

aha moments examples in teaching aha moments examples in teaching

Themes can include locus of control, memory learning and the brain (including information processing models), current research on learning disabilities, theories of motivation and learning, mind-set theory, emotional intelligence theories, and research on millennial students just like them. Goals for my First-Year Seminar students include proficiency with a host of study skills as well as course content based on what we call “learning about learning.” To support new college students in understanding what, exactly, learning is, my colleagues and I introduce a number of themes and authors to our students over the course of the first semester.

Aha moments examples in teaching